I Am A Qualified Gabby Mom for Eternal Encouragment


I was VERY excited to be chosen to be a Gabby Mom for Eternal Encouragement (formerly TEACH) magazine!! But also a little confused, scared, unsure of what that meant! I mean I am in NO way a perfect mother, home-school teacher, wife or homemaker! Our homeschooling days more often then not end up in frustration, my relationship with Hubs could use improvement, and my homemaking skills.. Uh yeah we will go there another day!

And what does all this mean for you, my readers, anyway?? I am sure you are wondering that too! As a Gabby Mom, I will get to review Eternal Encouragement Magazine curriculum, books, magazines and anything else they send my way. With each shipment I receive a mission. I have to read what they send then write a review on it, while being Gabby, Glittery, and making you Giggle! What this means for you is that you will get an honest, engaging, talkative (gabby) pretty and funny (hopefully) review of Eternal Encouragement Magazine products! I will share how each book or product helped me, or moved me in my quest to be a better mother, wife, home-school teacher, and homemaker. Beyond reviewing the products, I will be a representative of Eternal Encouragement, to the blogging community and a trusted source of solid, Christian advice on marriage, mothering, homeschooling, homemaking and more!

Comments and questions will be welcomed with open arms because I want these posts to feel like we are a couple of friends sitting across a table from each other in a coffee shop having a nice chat about a new book we just picked up! I will also open up my Facebook page to discussions, and question and answer sessions to anyone who wants to participate!

My first Eternal Encouragement review will be during the week of Januray 24th. I will be reviewing the book True Treasures. I just received this book right before we moved, and it is beautiful! I can’t wait to delve into it!! Just glancing through the pages and reading a few sentences has already shown me that this book will be a favorite of mine in the coming months, and maybe years! It already has a place on the coffee table!

I am really looking forward to our first chat!!

Be Blessed..

About misadventuresofafamilyof8

I am a SAHM of 6 kids, and I homeschool, cloth diaper, wear my toddler, used to breastfeed, cook from scratch, not so crunchy mama. Hubs is a chef, and loves to cook. We go to church when we can, and I love to learn new things about how to be a better wife and mother.

2 responses

  1. I am also an approved Gabby Mom! Looking forward to reading your reviews. I am now following your blog via GFC, FB and NB. Would appreciate you following me back. Blessings!