And It Begins….


Today starts off the school year here in Oregon. For us that is not such a big deal as we schooled year round this year. But we took a week off so the kids could spend one last full week enjoying their friends, the nearby creek, and all that goes with the last week of freedom. So I will start off this morning with a yummy breakfast, a bible story, and the beginning of a great math lesson. I am trying to get into the school year, but it’s been a really difficult week around here, and I just don’t really want to do anything. Maybe it’s because I am doing everything?!

We did celebrate NOT Back To School this weekend with some black berry picking, popcorn, and some root beer floats… all of which I completely forgot to take pictures of! OOPS…

Last night, we celebrated the coming end of summer (even though it was close to 100 here today!) with the baking of our favorite fall cookie. Grandma Florence’s Ginger Cookies. They are so yummy! I found the recipe on MckMama’s blog last year, not too long after I discovered her blog.  I don’t know who’s Grandma created these delightful yummies, but I do know they grew up pretty darn spoiled.  You have got to try these.

I am really looking forward to the fall… pumpkin muffins and cookies.. and more.. walks in the woods with the crisp fall leaves… I missed my beautiful fall leaves living over on the coast! What are your favorite things to do in the fall with your kids. I would love some ideas!

I will share some more of this years home school journey as we walk it…

I don’t really know what will happen as so many things are kinda outta whack right now…

Be Blessed…




About misadventuresofafamilyof8

I am a SAHM of 6 kids, and I homeschool, cloth diaper, wear my toddler, used to breastfeed, cook from scratch, not so crunchy mama. Hubs is a chef, and loves to cook. We go to church when we can, and I love to learn new things about how to be a better wife and mother.

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