Monthly Archives: August 2011

Boogie Wipes WINNER!!



Congratulations to number 15 out of 16! You won 2 30 count packs of Boogie Wipes!

Ali on August 30, 2011 at 7:27 am said:

I am a fan of boogie wipes on FB #1

I will be emailing you shortly Ali, and you will have 48 hours to respond to claim your prize or a new winner will be chosen!

Thank you everyone for participating and thank you Boogie Wipes for the review and giveaway!

I hope you were all blessed..

Have a great night!


Wordless Wednesday



Pictures taken by RJ Verge near Beamsville Ont. Canada
Black deer are more rare than albinos..

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I have never seen or heard of one of these before. What beautiful pictures.

If you love animals….this is a rare and beautiful set of pictures.

Be Blessed…


Dot Girl’s First Period Kit WINNER!!!


YEA!! Our first Back To School Week Of Reviews and Giveaway WINNER!!!

Congrats number 6 out of 27!! Ms. Kimmie Barnes!! You won a Dot Girl’s First Period Kit!

I would like to have the book…Before she gets her periodKimmie Barnes
jakeremom–twitter and GFC

Kimmie, I will be emailing you soon! Please respond within 48 hours to claim your prize, so I don’t have to pick a new winner! :o)

Thanks everyone for participating!! And thank you Dot Girl Products for the review and giveaway!

Have a blessed day everyone! I have company coming tonight, so I haven’t been on much between the job search and the house cleaning. I will do my best to be on more tomorrow though!


Working Home School Mama Of 7? Just Maybe…


I am just loving this ecomony.. I have a Hubs that works more then full time for pretty good pay, and we are still struggling to pay our pretty minimal bills! We have cut out EVERY extra imaginable and still have to decide to pay the bills or clothe the kids… And they ALL just outgrew everything they own! Hand me downs are great… if you have all girls! But my boys are rough on their clothes! And what two just outgrew NO one fits into! Except Little Mama! LOL.. she is wearing the boys clothes as play clothes!

Now it’s that time of year again… Back To School.. except we can’t even afford pencils! Especially when the kids loose a box a week!

Let alone printer ink, math books, crayons, paper, binders, and more…

So this Mama is looking for a part time job. There are a couple coffee shops hiring nearby, and I have experience as a coffee barista, but not paid. It was all voluntary for our church in Florence, except for the short time I worked in a coffee shop when Clown was a baby, 10 years ago!!

So tomorrow, I am headed out with my very measly resume, and hoping for the best. 20 hours a week, in a job I know I will like.. that is what I am shooting for….

That won’t be too bad..except.. the pile of laundry, dishes, school work, dirty diapers, and meals to be made when I return…

Pray for my sanity!


Nae’s Creations Winner!!


I finally picked a winner for Nae’s Creations! For some reason WordPress no longer has comment numbering and there were 92 entries to this giveaway! WOW! So that took me a while! After I was done, I said DUH!! Cause then it occurred to me to just count backwards 17! LOL.. so I did it that way too, and came up with the same entry, so I know I did it right the first time!


Anyway, Congratulations Amanda Alvarado!! You seem to be awfully blessed on this blog! :O) You said

Amanda Alvarado on August 23, 2011 at 7:18 pm said: 

Posted on FB and tagged you and Nae’s Creations – amanda alvarado
I will be emailing you shortly! You will then have 48 hours to respond to claim your prize!!

Thanks everyone for participating! If you didn’t win, there are several other giveaways open! OR go to Nae’s Creations and buy yourself an awesome diaper!Thanks Nae’s Creations for the AWESOME review product and giveaway!!

Be Blessed…




Way To Go Wal-Mart!! You’ve Got My Business!


Wal-Mart gets kind of a bad rap these days. Well, I guess it always has.. Being called the bully super store that knocks mom and pop stores out of business, and more. I have to admit… I like Wal-Mart. If Wal-Mart wasn’t around I probably still couldn’t afford to shop at the mom and pop shops. I love that I can clothe my family, feed my pets, take care of my home and more, without having to spend our rent money! Or an entire day shopping around for all that! Without Wal-Mart I would have a lot of trouble managing my home and all that goes with it! I also love that I can always find a huge selection of good movies, games, toys, faith based books, and more modest clothing then some other larger stores tend to carry. While I don’t agree with all that Wal-Mart stands for, or behind, they do a lot of good too and people tend to miss that.

Even for a big superstore though, it takes a lot of guts in this day and age to do something that brings God back into schools… and Wal-Mart is doing it. Check out this message I received from Focus On The Family today.

Dear Friend,

My colleague Stuart Shepard was in Walmart® last weekend shopping for back-to-school supplies for his son when he encountered some rather provocative Christian notebooks and folders. One of them read: “God Recycles. He made you out of dust.” Another read: “John 3:16. This message is illegal in 53 countries.”

Usually when we report on Christian expression in the public schools, it has to do with some official trying to kick religion out of school. But when the country’s largest retailer stocks school supplies with openly religious messages like this, we regard it as a pleasant change.

Such messages are perfectly legal and they conform with court rulings that give wide latitude to students who want to express religious views in public schools. Many times teachers have the mistaken impression that anything religious is not allowed in school, and they make on-the-spot decisions that religious items need to go. They are wrong. Some school boards have even adopted official policies that inhibit student-initiated religious expression. But these policies also are inconsistent with what the relevant laws actually say.

For faith and family,
Signed: Tom Minnery
Tom Minnery
Senior Vice President, Government & Public Policy

P.S. One more thing. It was refreshing to see Walmart’s willingness to carry the school folders with those messages on them. If you see those items for sale in your local Walmart®, please take a moment to let the store manager know how encouraging it is to see matters of faith displayed so positively.

I know when I do my school shopping I will be on the lookout for these and more like them! Kudo’s to you Wal-Mart!! We know you don’t hear that much!

For those of you who are not aware of Focus On The Family, you should really check them out. They have a lot of good causes, from helps for marriage and parenting to faith, and even a site called Plugged In where concerned parents can look up movies, tv, music and more to see exactly WHAT is in them and find out if you want your children to watch, play or listen to them without having to preview them yourself! I use it a lot!

Be Blessed…


Catch The Social Wave – Twitter & Facebook Follow Hop-Week Five

Welcome to week five of the all new Catch The Social Wave Twitter & Facebook Follow Hop.


Welcome to Catch the Social Wave! A blog hop for your Twitter and Facebook. The rules to join in this hop are super easy. To be in the hop you must follow all the host on either Twitter or Facebook. We do follow back. So when you stop by make sure you let us know you are new so we can return the favor. Only direct links to your Twitter and Facebook pages will be accepted. All others will be deleted. Please no spam. It is that easy.

Feel free to grab our button, Tweet or Facebook about this hop or grab the Hop code! Have fun!

Click on the HOST links up top to add your linky! WordPress won’t let me add them since they are in java.. Sorry!

Be Blessed..


The Well Planned Day Homeschool Planner Review and Giveaway! CLOSED!!!


Back-To-School Week Of Reviews And Giveaways!

I don’t usually use planners…

I usually find them very frustrating…

I usually get angry at them because they wind up in charge. Know what I mean?

My day slowly starts to become ruled by the planner… we MUST do this today… the planner says so!

Then I would feel guilty because we DIDN’T do everything the planner said to do that day! What kind of teacher was I?

I always seem to forget that I am the one that filled the thing out to begin with!

Then to find out I can only do ONE thing with it… What mom needs something that only does one thing?

So I gave up…

Until now…

I received this beautiful planner for my home school. From Day 1, I have been in love. Not only is it pretty, it’s functional! This planner includes monthly calendars, weekly calendars, a Bible Reading list, room to schedule up to 4 childrens school day, their chore lists, mom’s chore list, grocery shopping lists, menu space, report cards, budget planning pages, encouraging devotionals for mom at the beginning of every month and MORE!! It’s also pretty.

You would think that something that does this many things would be the size of several encyclopedia books and weigh a ton! It’s the size of a NOTEBOOK!! Seriously. I can slip it in my diaper bag, my purse, my teacher binder. It goes everywhere I go. There is  even a planner that is smaller!

The same day I received it I also received some valuable advice from a dear friend.

She told me that she uses hers to write down what WAS accomplished each day. She fills in what she knows HAS to be done, such as doctor appointments, the menu etc, and then the rest comes along as it gets done! She can then look back at the end of the day and say “WOW, we did alot!” instead of “we didn’t do that, or that, or even that”! What a great mind easing idea! I filled in the first week just so you could see about what we do, and how much information you can put in it!

I started to schedule Wed then remembered we take that day off now!

As you can see, it’s pretty full! Remember I am homeschooling FIVE kids. I managed to get ALL their lessons on there! And there is still some room! There is also the weeks menu, a weekly catechism lesson, schedule for the weekend and a spot to write Weekly Priorities. I added in there, Teach Juice Box the Days of the Week and Little Man the Months of The Year, and to teach them ALL 10  new Spanish words. All things that we needed to get done this week, but weren’t really a planned lesson because we learn them as we do other things, such as play with blocks or just singing a song. Or I point at something and say what it is in Spanish and for the rest of the day, if someone sees it, the first to call out the Spanish word wins.

All that to say..

If you home school and need some help organizing your day…

THIS is the planner for you!

I know I won’t be caught without it ever again!

To buy your own Well Planned Day Home School Planner visit Home Educating Family’s webstore. There you will find other planner designs, coordinating binders, planners for teachers and students, Family Magazine and more!

Home Educating Family has generously offered ONE blessed reader a Well Planned Day Home School Planner!

THIS GIVEAWAY ENDS  September 2nd, AT 4:00 P.M. PST


Mandatory Entry:
You must be a subscriber to this blog, (NOT the blogger blog)  either by using the subscribe button at the top if you have a wordpress account, or by email (Right hand side half way down the page!)

1.Follow The Home Educating Family On Facebook! +2

2. Tell me what planner is your favorite at Home Educating Family +2

3. Follow Home Educating Family on Twitter +2

4. Fan Misadventures Of A Family Of 8 on FB. +1

5. Grab my button, place on your blog, and leave me your blog link so I can find it! +3

6. Follow me via Networked Blogs. +1

7. Post about this giveaway in your FB status, using the link for this giveaway and tagging Misadventures and Home Educating Family! Leave me the URL of  your post so I can find it!!  +1 (Can be done daily)

8. Follow me on Twitter. +2

9. Enter another one of my open giveaways, and tell me which one.
+1 for each open giveaway you enter.

10. Tweet about this giveaway, leave me the URL to your tweet so I can find it! +2

“I’m not responsible if you are not mailed your winnings by the sponsor”

Disclosure Policy

This policy is valid from 15 October 2010

This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. This blog does not accept any form of cash advertising, sponsorship, or paid topic insertions. However, we will and do accept and keep free products, services, travel, event tickets, and other forms of compensation from companies and organizations.

The compensation received will never influence the content, topics or posts made in this blog. All advertising is in the form of advertisements generated by a third party ad network. Those advertisements will be identified as paid advertisements.

The owner(s) of this blog is not compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the blog owners. If we claim or appear to be experts on a certain topic or product or service area, we will only endorse products or services that we believe, based on our expertise, are worthy of such endorsement. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider.

This blog does not contain any content which might present a conflict of interest.

To get your own policy, go to

My Son’s Mini Report


My 3 oldest have been learning early American History. They were each supposed to write a mini report on their favorite things that they have learned. They were supposed to just write it on a piece of lined paper. Mostly just so I knew they were learning something haha… We do reports a few times a year, but I recently added mini reports as a way to gauge what was being learned. They don’t take long to do, can be fun, and really show if the kids are taking in their lessons. Clown took it above and beyond, typing it out, adding a picture and even adding where he found his information! I just had to share! (I bet the English are kicking themselves now for dismantling that ship!)


The Mayflower


“Clown” Barrett

August 23, 2011

The Mayflower left England September 6,1620 with 102 passengers and 25 to 30

crewmembers. It was headed for the mouth of the Hudson River but was knocked off

course and wound up in Cape Cod Bay instead around November,11, 1620.

The passengers and crew spent the winter in the Mayflower in Cape Cod Bay. In

March 1621 they moved ashore at Plymouth, Massachusetts.  In April, the Mayflower

returned to England, where is was dismantled for scrap in 1623 after it’s Captain,

Christopher Jones died.

The End

I found my information at

Sarah’s Poodleskirts Review and Giveaway! CLOSED!!!


Back-To-School Week Of Reviews and Giveaways!

Every girl needs to start her first day of school with a bang! Not to mention those ever poplular Back To the 50’s dances hosted every year! Why not get everyone talking with an adorable first day of school outfit from Sarah’s Poodleskirt Palace for your kindergartner or a dance outfit for your junior high/high school daughter?! Or even for you, for that High School reunion? No matter your age, Poodle Skirts are always adorable, classy, and fun!

A 3 piece outfit!

I received this skirt for Little Mama’s 9th Birthday. It was such a hit! She is always wanting to wear it for everything!

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It is very well made, the poodle is holding very well. Through hours of wear and play, it’s still looks just like it did out of the shipping package.  I really love the rhinestone addition on the waistband of the skirt. It gives it a very sophisticated look.  Sarah did such an amazing job making this skirt! Little Mama loves to swirl and twirl her way through the house while wearing it! It’s the perfect length for modesty, while being a fun, cheerful outfit all her friends are talking about!

Sarah says,

“Looking for an authentic 1950’s poodle for your poodle skirt? You have come to the right place! I spent a year collecting authentic 1950’s poodle skirt patterns and I have a bunch of poodle shapes from the era I will be happy to show you!”

Would you like your very own authentic 50’s style poodle skirt? Then visit Sarah’s Poodle Skirt Palace and find the perfect one for you or someone you love!They even come in newborn size!! :O)

New! Group discounts:
5 skirts 5% discount
10 skirts 10% discount
15+ skirts 15% discount
*I will make a reserved listing for you that will include your discount!*

Everyone loves a coupon!
Coupon code good for 10% off your purchase: enter “POODLEHOP” at checkout!

Sarah is also giving away ONE  a custom poodle skirt (Winners choice of style,size and color) from her etsy shop.

THIS GIVEAWAY ENDS  September 1st, AT 4:00 P.M. PST


Mandatory Entry:
You must be a subscriber to this blog, (NOT the blogger blog)  either by using the subscribe button at the top if you have a wordpress account, or by email (Right hand side half way down the page!)

1. Favorite Sarah’s Poodle Skirts on Etsy! +2

2. Tell me what color of skirt  you would pick if you won! +2

4. Fan Misadventures Of A Family Of 8 on FB. +1

5. Grab my button, place on your blog, and leave me your blog link so I can find it! +3

6. Follow me via Networked Blogs. +1

6. Post about this giveaway in your FB status, using the link for this giveaway and tagging Misadventures! Leave me the URL of  your post so I can find it!!  +1 (Can be done daily)

7. Follow me on Twitter. +1

8. Enter another one of my open giveaways, and tell me which one.
+1 for each open giveaway you enter.

9. Tweet about this giveaway, leave me the URL to your tweet so I can find it! +2

“I’m not responsible if you are not mailed your winnings by the sponsor”

Disclosure Policy

This policy is valid from 15 October 2010

This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. This blog does not accept any form of cash advertising, sponsorship, or paid topic insertions. However, we will and do accept and keep free products, services, travel, event tickets, and other forms of compensation from companies and organizations.

The compensation received will never influence the content, topics or posts made in this blog. All advertising is in the form of advertisements generated by a third party ad network. Those advertisements will be identified as paid advertisements.

The owner(s) of this blog is not compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the blog owners. If we claim or appear to be experts on a certain topic or product or service area, we will only endorse products or services that we believe, based on our expertise, are worthy of such endorsement. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider.

This blog does not contain any content which might present a conflict of interest.

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